projects coded



BookmarkThis displays inline social share and follow buttons on your website. The BookmarkThis package includes very light weight CSS and JavaScript. It is fully customisable, allowing you to add your own links and icons.

modx php plugin



CookieConsent displays a message informing each new visitor that your site uses cookies, with a link to your site's cookie policy. Simply install CookieConsent and it will start working automatically. CookieConsent can help you comply with European Union cookie law.

modx php plugin



SpaceCalc displays an office space calculator. The rooms can be fully customised, allowing users to easily work out the total square feet or metres required.

modx php plugin



MetaFormat generates html meta tags, social tags for Facebook Open Graph and Twitter cards, css and JS includes, and favicon links. MetaFormat is fully customisable, allowing you to mark-up your documents in a uniformed way with the minimum of fuss.

modx php plugin