

Display social share and follow buttons

modx php plugin


BookmarkThis displays inline social share and follow buttons on your website. The BookmarkThis package includes very light weight CSS and JavaScript. It is fully customisable, allowing you to add your own links and icons.


Use BookmarkThis to display inline social share buttons. By default, all the buttons are shown, where a share property has been set.

Blogger Digg Evernote Facebook Flipboard Google LinkedIn Pinterest Pocket Reddit Telegram Tumblr Twitter VK E-mail


Use BookmarkThisFollow to display inline social follow buttons. By default, all the buttons are shown, where a follow property has been set.

Blogger Facebook Github Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter VK Youtube



The BookmarkThis method applies social share buttons. Their appearance can be customised using the options shown below.

Property Description Default
use Comma separated list of items to be used from the data. If empty, all data items will be used.  
exclude Comma separated list of items to be excluded from the data.  
data Name of chunk containing the JSON data items. bookmarkThisData
type Type of icon to be used. Either - circle, rounded, custom or square rounded
size Size of icon to be used. Either - 16, 36, 48 or 64 36
tpl Name of chunk to apply to each item. bookmarkThisShare
tplWrapper Name of chunk to wrap all tpl items inside. bookmarkThisShareWrapper
appendJS Whether to append the JavaScript to the end of the resource output. 1
appendCSS Whether to append the CSS to the end of the resource head. 1
customFields JSON data specifying the queries and attributes from which to obtain a bookmarklets title, description and tags.  


The BookmarkThisFollow method applies social follow buttons. Their appearance can be customised using the options shown below.

Property Description Default
use Comma separated list of items to be used from the data. If empty, all data items will be used.  
exclude Comma separated list of items to be excluded from the data.  
data Name of chunk containing the JSON data items. bookmarkThisData
type Type of icon to be used. Either - circle, rounded, custom or square rounded
size Size of icon to be used. Either - 16, 36, 48 or 64 36
tpl Name of chunk to apply to each item. bookmarkThisFollow
tplWrapper Name of chunk to wrap all tpl items inside. bookmarkThisFollowWrapper
appendCSS Whether to append the CSS to the end of the resource head. 1


Including only certain items

The use property allows you to specify which items to show. Items returned will be in the same order that you specify them.

Twitter Facebook Reddit Pocket
[[!BookmarkThis? &use=`twitter, facebook, reddit, pocket`]]

Excluding certain items

The exclude property allows you to specify which buttons to exclude from the default ones.

Blogger Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter VK

Changing the size

The size property allows you set the size of the icons. size will replace the {size} placeholder for each button. If using the default icons, you can currenlty choose from 16, 36, 48 and 64.

Twitter Facebook Reddit Pocket
  &use=`twitter, facebook, reddit, pocket`

Altering the style

The type property allows you set the style of the icons. type will replace the {type} placeholder for each button. If using the default icons, you can currently choose from rounded, square, custom and circle.

Blogger Digg Evernote Facebook Flipboard Google LinkedIn Pinterest Pocket Reddit Telegram Tumblr Twitter VK E-mail

Including your own JS and CSS

A reference to the default BookmarkThis JavaScript file is automatically appended to the header of your document, and a reference to the default BookmarkThis style-sheet is appended to the body of your document.

However, you may not like too many calls being made. If you have incorporated the JS and CSS files into your own files, you can stop BookmarkThis appending them too.

Blogger Digg Evernote Facebook Flipboard Google LinkedIn Pinterest Pocket Reddit Telegram Tumblr Twitter VK E-mail

Button data

BookmarkThis uses the following data when displaying the share and follow buttons. Use this as a starting point if you want to add your own butttons.

Custom button data on MODX?

Simply create a new chunk called bookmarkThisData and fill it with your own data.

Default data

      "name" : "Blogger",
      "share" : "{link}&n={title}",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/blogger-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Digg",
      "share" : "{link}&title={title}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/digg-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Evernote",
      "share" : "{link}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/evernote-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Facebook",
      "share" : "{link}&t={title}",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/facebook-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Flipboard",
      "share" : "{title}&url={link}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/flipboard-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Github",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/github-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Google",
      "share" : "{link}&title={title}&labels={tags}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/google-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Instagram",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/instagram-{type}.png"
      "name" : "LinkedIn",
      "share" : "{title}&url={link}",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/linkedin-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Pinterest",
      "share" : "{link}&media=&description={title}",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/pinterest-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Pocket",
      "share" : "{link}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/pocket-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Reddit",
      "share" : "{link}&title={title}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/reddit-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Telegram",
      "share" : "{link}&text={title}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/telegram-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Tumblr",
      "share" : "{link}&title={title}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/tumblr-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Twitter",
      "share" : "{title}&url={link}",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/twitter-{type}.png"
      "name" : "VK",
      "share" : "{link}",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/vk-{type}.png"
      "name" : "Youtube",
      "follow" : "",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/youtube-{type}.png"
      "name" : "E-mail",
      "share" : "mailto:?subject={title}&body={link}",
      "image" : "{bookmarkthis_assets_url}images/v1.8/{size}/email-{type}.png"

Adding your own style

All styles are prefixed with bookmarkThis or bookmarkThisFollow. Simply extend these styles in your own css.

Default CSS

.bookmarkThisFollow a
  display: inline-block;

.bookmarkThisShare>img, .bookmarkThisFollow>a
  margin: .2rem;
  cursor: pointer;

.bookmarkThisShare>img:first-child, .bookmarkThisFollow>a:first-child
  margin-left: 0;

.bookmarkThisShare>img:last-child, .bookmarkThisFollow>a:last-child
  margin-right: 0;

.bookmarkThisShare img
  opacity: 0.8;
  filter: alpha(opacity=80);

.bookmarkThisShare img:hover
  opacity: 1;
  filter: alpha(opacity=100);

.bookmarkThisShare, .bookmarkThisFollow
  text-align: center;


Each individual button and group of buttons are rendered by a template.


Individual button

Each share button is rendered using a template named BookmarkThisShare, as defined by the tpl property.

<img [[+custom]] title="Share this page on [[+name]]" src="[[+image]]" alt="[[+name]]" onclick="return BookmarkThis.share('[[+share]]', this);" />

Group of buttons

Each group of share buttons are rendered using a template named BookmarkThisShareWrapper, as defined by the tplWrapper property.

<p class="bookmarkThisShare">[[+items]]</p>


Individual button

Each follow button is rendered using a template named BookmarkThisFollow, as defined by the tpl property.

<a href="[[+follow]]" title="Follow us on [[+name]]" rel="nofollow"><img src="[[+image]]" alt="[[+name]]" /></a>

Group of buttons

Each group of follow buttons are rendered using a template named BookmarkThisFollowWrapper, as defined by the tplWrapper property.

<p class="bookmarkThisFollow">[[+items]]</p>


BookmarkThis by mad about brighton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this licence may be available by contacting me.